Applicable to Members, Individuals and Institutions 

Research. Monia's Why?

At Monia, we are committed to using research to drive our programming decisions. By examining institutional, mental health, and practical needs of both institutions and students, we strive to develop solutions that address real-world challenges effectively.


Sapphire Hall


At Monia, our program is designed to promote student self-sufficiency while providing ongoing support as needed. We leverage research to develop holistic programs that cater to a wide range of needs across our offerings. We recognize that transitions—whether from high school to college, college to the workforce, or within the workplace—can lead to depression. Post-college depression, for instance, is a well-documented phenomenon and can also occur during other major life transitions (Newport Institute, 2024). These periods of change are often challenging and can be compounded by external stressors such as family issues or systemic violence (Washington Post, 2017). Our program addresses these challenges by creating supportive environments focused on wellness and mental health. We aim to mitigate the effects of depression and act as a preventive measure to reduce suicide rates associated with these transitional periods. By fostering a supportive community and maximizing positive interactions between institutions and their students or employees, we strive to help individuals feel valued and engaged throughout their transitions. This approach ensures that they can contribute positively to their communities and workplaces both during and after their time at an institution. For more information on post-college and transitional depression, you can refer to Newport Institute's resource on post-college depression and The Washington Post article on post-graduation depression.