The perfect balance between fun and career!

Monia Membership

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Monia Membership is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community for professionals and artists aged 21-30. While our primary focus is on supporting individuals in their post-collegiate journey, we welcome members from all backgrounds and educational levels. We are looking for ambitious, hardworking, engaging, and compassionate individuals to join our community. Our offerings include our comprehensive Adulting Course, a wide range of in-person and online events such as networking galas, professional chats, and members-only trips, as well as cost-effective post-college training opportunities. Additionally, Monia members benefit from exclusive discounts on retreats and other unique opportunities.

Press the link for more info about Monia Membership and the Monia Member leader program.

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Adulting Program 

Our Adulting Program offers members essential resources and programming to support their transition into adulthood. We are committed to continually evolving our offerings to meet the needs of our long-term members, ensuring that our programming remains relevant and valuable throughout their membership journey.

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Monia Member Leader

Become a leader and enjoy free access to Monia memberships and all our events by hosting 4 to 6 local events annually. Interested? Click the link to schedule a chat and learn more.

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Ready to apply press the link below. For questions about the Monia Member Leader Program press the link above.  


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Ready to apply press the apply button above. For questions about the Monia Member Leader Program press the link above. 


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