All programs are Adaptable 

Institutional Partnerships

We provide comprehensive workshops and specialized programs tailored to enhance the experiences of students and improve the effectiveness of institutions, businesses, and nonprofits. Our focus is on empowering young adults to become self-sufficient and make the most of the resources available to them, while also offering ongoing support to ensure their continued success.

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Create A Specialized Program or Create Curriculum

At Monia, we understand the importance of tailored educational experiences and inclusive environments for diverse student populations. Our Create-A Specialized Program service is designed to partner with educational institutions and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) specialists to develop customized programs, curricula, and events that address the unique needs of students and support their academic and personal growth. Whether you're looking to enhance your institution's offerings or create new initiatives, we provide comprehensive assistance to bring your vision to life.

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Holistic Development Program

The holistic development program is a 10-week, customizable initiative emphasizing practical skills and wellness practices. It focuses on physical health, financial management, balancing home and school life, leadership skills, networking, relationship building, digital literacy, creative thinking, and integrating academic and mental responsibilities.

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Cultural Collective Program

This program is specifically designed for Students of Color, Women, and First Generation Students. Our team of expert curriculum designers and DEI coordinators has crafted a program that addresses the unique challenges and needs of marginalized students. It includes discussions on sensitive topics such as navigating womanhood in corporate America, experiences as a student of color at a predominantly white institution (PWI), responding to prejudice in institutional settings, and managing finances as a first-generation student. The curriculum is adaptable and can be implemented in various formats including restorative justice programs, summer sessions, semester-long programs, and more.

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Ind service


Ready-Set-Adult is a condensed version of our Adulting Program exclusively available to members. It's designed to equip graduating seniors with essential skills for transitioning out of their undergraduate institution. Upon enrollment, students automatically gain membership to Monia, providing access to the full Adulting Course for completion post-graduation. Participants also enjoy up to a year of access to free and affordable networking and wellness events aimed at easing the transition from college. The program typically spans 7 weeks but can be customized into a senior orientation week format, covering key topics such as: -

Transitioning into Adulthood: Finding housing and establishing boundaries - Representing Your University - Building Community - Navigating Career Fears and Pursuing Career Opportunities - Mental and Physical Health - Financial Management - Leadership Skills - Vertical and Horizontal Networking Strategies - Digital Literacy - Creative Thinking in Life - Managing Academic Responsibilities - Understanding Financial Matters

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do our programs work?

We collaborate with educational institutions to tailor our programs to meet their unique needs. Our focus is on making students self-sufficient by equipping them with skills that are not effectively covered by their current curriculum. Additionally, we teach students how to utilize the resources their institution already provides. To ensure lasting success, we offer ongoing support to both staff and students throughout their journey.

How are programs priced?

Our programs are priced using a sliding scale model, taking into account the type of program, the financial capabilities of the institution, and other relevant factors. To discuss pricing details and find the best fit for your needs, please schedule a meeting with us.

What are the benifits?

Our programs enhance graduation rates, boost post-graduation engagement and donations, improve professional and academic work quality, and implement models to address issues of suicide and depression in both school and workplace settings.

Is this a remote service? 

We are a mostly remote service, however we have in-person options, depending on the program selected.

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